*There's always someone worse off than you...but that doesn't mean that your pain doesn't count*

Friday, April 2, 2010

"I'm sorry...there's nothing I can do for you..."

So how many times have we heard doctor's say this?  Or the variations like, "well you're already on XYZ medications", "Oh, I see you've already tried the things i could do for you", or my personal favorite "Well you've tried everything already - there's really nothing left".  So I don't know why I was so shocked and broke down when the title of this post came out of my Pain Specialists mouth on my first appointment today.  I started crying - and felt soo embarassed!!! I know I shouldn't be but it's so hard to hear those things...no matter how often you've heard it before.  You get your hopes up that this time it will be different and there will be something that can work.  I really respect him as he said he doesn't want to put me through a bunch of things that will just frustrate me and not work because my pain is so diffuse - I even thanked him as there are way too many doctors who just poke and prod you to try anything and he didn't give me false hope - well he didn't give me any - but that's besides the point.  He said he'd always be available on an as needed basis or for med suggestions, but as a pain specialist...there's nothing he can do.

So it's back to square one.  Aside from the fact he agrees he feels I have fibro and offered a comprehensive Rehab program...I just try to move on with life.  Day by day....one step at a time....holding on to whatever I can to keep my life and keep my happy :)

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