~Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change; the COURAGE to change the things I can;
and the WISDOM to know the difference. ~
You'll notice I didn't lead with the traditional "God" line - not because of any feelings of mine, but those of every faith should take solice in this prayer. It's gotten me through a lot over these past few weeks and I hope it gets me through a lot more my whole life. I'm still accepting what's happening to me - although the why is always out there. I'm a really good person and for the most part am incredibly giving and loving and warm...and it seems things just happen to me. Maybe it's a weakness in the same - that I'm naive and gullable....but I'd rather be the way I am than any other way.
The Courage I think is the hardest part. When we're feeling our worst...it takes a lot of courage to get out of bed. It takes a lot of courage to leave work when we need to. It takes a lot of courage to talk about - to deal with - to NOT feel guilty about...leaving things undone....it takes a lot of courage to put our health before that of others so we can take care of them in the end.
And the wisdom to know the difference. In chronic pain - this can be the trickiest....we may not know where to draw that line...its a thin, and often moving line. Sometimes we over do it....sometimes we feel we could do more...but its tough. So lets try to work on it.
I reached my 2 week mark on Thursday and then I was out Friday due to skin pain that refrained me from keeping my shirt over my shoulders which is inappropriate - and also prevented me from doing half of my training which requires me to lie on my back which I couldn't do. I really do have much to catch up on about this program but it'll have to wait until an evening I haven't already taken my melatonin for the night.
Also started on Savella late last week....so far so good. Only thing I notice is a little itchiness and a small rashes which go away quickly with Eucalyptus and Lavender oil but my fingers are sooooo crossed!
Wishing you all well :)
Luus and Sleep: Focus on Increasing Restoration
Any of you listen to or read Dr. Lisa Damour - parenting expert and teen
psychologist extraordinaire? I loved two of her best selling books,
*Untangled* ...
5 weeks ago
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