So, it looks like the name of my blog will soon be changed to just Chronic Pain...maybe "Guess the disease or condition???". So many of us go through this when trying to be diagnosed with whatever it is we have...which may be more than one thing. Currently, I've felt like I've been getting worse and worse and every time there's a glimpse of feeling better - something else happens. I've been really sick since January...first was a cold, that turned into a sinus infection so went on Augmentin which doesn't like my bladder but I stuck through it. Things got a little better but stayed exhausted and sinuses hurt and the headaches were bad. Then my WBC's were through the roof and I had every indiciation of a uti - probably kidney infection - went on Levaquin...didn't get better. Then had TONS to do at work and just wore myself I knew when the last proposal was in I needed to go back to the doctor...extremem flank pain, my urethra HATED me...pelvic pain, blood in the urine, fevers the works! So she said the WBC's were extremely high - put me on Macrobid & tramadol and told me to call back for the culture. When I called back they said mixed flora - so not really a high indicator of infection but I was in so much pain it was work to get out of bed and EVERYTHING hurt sooo bad...especially that darn right kidney!
When I was at my urologist I broke down - which I don't usually do - but the pain and exhaustion was consuming me...even with the pain meds I was on. This is when she called the director of the pain clinic and he recommended Tramadol and a visit to see him soon. So I finally gave in and scheduled a pain management appointment. My PCP is against them as she gives me everything I could need...but they don't prescribe medicine, just recommend it and do trigger point therapy etc. Since I have so many problems with Ulcers, my Liver, nausea and IC, etc. it's going to take someone who knows what they're talking about and since he's the Director and has been on TV a lot (not that that means anything) I'm feeling good about it....and then he'll just recommend things to my PCP so her and I can manage it. I'm in soooo much pain but I'm very scared about becoming tolerant at my age (26) too soon. I was born tolerant and never responded to things like Tylenol 3 or 1 regular Vicodin. I just need something to have down the road...and don't want it to be too devastating when i get off meds when/if *fingers crossed* I get pregnant. Anywho, my urologists exact words to the pain specialist was "she's a really good girl and i've been seeing her a while and well, she's just spiraling down hill really fast and I hate to see her like this...this is bigger than IC - it's everywhere". Greeeattt.
Anyway, the tramadol was awesome for the all over pain. But not for my really bad pelvic and lower back pain. So anyway, my "sinus infection" got way worse and i was living with migraines everyday....excruciating body pain...insomnia...and crazy fatigue. It's affecting life, my job, my ability to work on my house, my family, my boyfriend, my sanity - everything! So anyways went back and was treated again for a sinus infection with Augmentin and once I didn't get better I went nasal cavities were swollen and bloody and the headaches excrutiating. She gave me a Kenalog shot on the spot and is 90% sure I have fibromyalgia as every trigger point sent me threw the roof. So, she set up a series of every virus and autoimmune disease and lyme, etc. she could think of. Meanwhile, I threw my hip out, my great aunt passed away - and I decided to be a genious and get a shiatsu massage chair. IT felt soooo good but the next day (around 4 am) I woke up at 4 am and was in sooo much pain. I swore if I looked in the mirror my entire back would be bruised. Only part of it was but it was so bad I had to take my shirts off and couldn't even have my hair touch my back. so it was working from home half naked all day and I could finally wear clothes 2 days later. I couldn't get the blood work right away because of the steroid shot, but I got it last Thursday so I had to wait out the weekend. Needless to say I had a 6 hour panic attack Sunday night. Not horrendous but felt like I was crawling out of my skin, chest was tight, uncomfortable and couldn't calm down. After about 3-4 hours I realized what was going on and took some valium and melatonin to sleep (I have been sleeping only 2-4 hours a night for almost 3 weeks now until i started the melatonin). Still on and off, but anyways.
So it was really doctor's nurse called and said the only thing that showed up in my blood work was chronic fatigue. But there isn't a test for chronic fatigue and I tried to ask her a bunch of questions but she didn't want to talk about it until I meet with the doc. to explain it next Tuesday grrrrrrrr. So my guess is I do have Fibromyalgia and potentially Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...but at least I have answers. I'm slightly discouraged as I've tried Gabapentin and Lyrica and both didn't work. She started me on Celexa so I'm hoping it works a little....the amitryptiline made me feel like I was drunk until 1 pm!!! In the meantime I haven't been using the Clobesatol ointment on my vulva so that spiked up again grrr...but my friend Alex has been very helpful at keeping me sane. I can't wait til I figure out what this is so I can make a case study on her site (listed on the right - Vulvar Vestibulitis Relief).
So, anyway - I picked up all my radiology work to take to the pain specialist friday and found out i have "multiple stones" in my left kidney - here I thought I passed the only one i had!!!!! So they're deep in there but makes me nervous that there's more.
I guess the moral is it just feels like one thing after another and I'm sooooo exhausted all the time...then I get really hot and feel like I'm going to pass out even when I do the smallest things!!! I'm glad I'll have a "diagnosis" and can work on what to do from there...but I'm not looking forward to this's a scary thing, but it could always be worse. I'm blessed to still have what I have and the support that I do - I feel soooo deeply for those who are going through this without support...I can't imagine - bless you.
Well i'll keep you posted as to how it goes..... and wish you all a pain free and peacefull night of sleep tonight :)
Luus and Sleep: Focus on Increasing Restoration
Any of you listen to or read Dr. Lisa Damour - parenting expert and teen
psychologist extraordinaire? I loved two of her best selling books,
*Untangled* ...
2 months ago